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Writer's picture: niabrown50niabrown50

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

  1. So how you lose all that weight?

  2. What do you eat?

  3. What workouts you do?

  4. How long did it take you to lose the weight (or more specifically 20lbs)?

  5. How many days you workout?

  6. How did you stay consistent?

  7. How much you weigh?

  8. What do you recommend for protein?

  9. How many calories do you recommend I eat?

Before I start, know I've been giving so much free game from my comments, dms, and even lives that I have done on all of my social media platforms so one thing I notice is that yall like to watch/read entertainment and pop culture but not when it comes to your health. I also see yall like to pick and choose which false information you'll fancy and messages that go along with where you are currently so that you do not have desire to change. There is clear inconsistencies, cognitive dissonance, laziness intellectually and physically. Furthermore, is the reason for experiencing same results while hoping and looking for different results (which is the definition of insanity-I learned this while in college being indoctrinated). Knowledge, responsibility, action, and accountability is a constant in life PERIOD! I'm only being this honest because I really do love yall and have to present thought provoking information to call for change in my people and in the world. Make the change now because your health is not a joke. One wrong "food" or ignoring your health could be the demise of your physical body. It could happen quickly and sometimes without warning (which often times we get many warnings and chose not to adhere).

Now to answer yall's questions [I could do more but I want to keep it straight to the main questions].

Aight so boom, the first question I receive from literally anyone conversing with me and has to be explained first. Sidenote: I don't know if yall peep the smirk that rises when yall ask because I get it so much. I lost the weight by exercising and decreasing "caloric intake." I'm going to explain while not being hypocritical that calories aren't real just like a lot of things we consider foods. Shouts to the god @yahkiaawakened for the knowledge and whom I'm studying nutritional and biochemistry from now! I will put his website and socials below!

Second question is multiple answers because when I first started I ate mostly meat, diary, starches, and heavy grains. I switched to vegetarian May 2020 and took out all meats and cut way back on heavy grains. I still eat diary because it's in so many products out and inside of food and dark leafy vegetables. My nutrient intake and diet is still very acidic currently so now I incorporated plant based lifestyle to really heal.

Third question, I went hard on a mixture of HIIT, strength training, training with my body weight and lifting weights for 3 years.

Fourth question, it took me 1.5 years to get down 55+ lbs.

Fifth question, I started working out 4-6 days a week and currently I exercise 3-6 days a week (especially after recovering).

Sixth question, I stayed consistent because of the accountability from the gym I went to which was if I didn't go I lost my money and a workout class and I won't having EITHER! I also worked out myself outside the gym by setting goals to run or walk/workouts on days I did not go to the gym YEAR ROUND! If you're wondering I definitely worked out outside in winter(in the am in 32 degree weather I got it done) and the hotter months.

Seventh question, that's a question that yall need to understand that fluctuates but know I've lost over 70lbs :).

Eighth question, I recommend that if you are not Caucasian/white/Anglo Saxon drop the protein MYTH because it will harm you and its too complex to break down. Understand that you will keep or build mass through HERBS which is what I stand on. Proteins is killing us a melanated humans and what we need is minerals and electrical elements.

Ninth question and final question, to reiterate calories are a myth also and the foods that you eat are not real foods mostly (due to label lies, GMO, meats, chemical lab made snacks and bars). Starting out I did not know this and I would eat 1100-2000 daily but you must look at the math in that...2000 calories is a lot of damn food. Fasting intermittently is highly recommended and necessary.

Ok sooooo I've typed a mouth full and literally could go in on more. I will write the next blog on the spiritual work that I do/did and learned/learning. That will be a good one. Remember to eat for nutrients and eat to LIVE! That's what this website is about learning and growing healthier body, minds, and spirits so we can truly live and not be prisoners to this body!

Together lets fight back against the lies, misconceptions, and fake ass ideations/constructs. I love yall strong! Until next time...Peace, Love, and Light!

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