Greetings life beings and thank you for joining in once again! The title is giving what I'm going into in this blog. I'm going to be talking about temptations I have experience with from an honest POV; I also used and cited researched journals and peer reviewed efficacies for information of products and chemicals described.
Temptation, by definition in Wikipedia, is the desire to engage in short term urges for enjoyment that threatens long-term goals. Whew, I'm convicted and also taking in that sentence. The biblical reference has many ways of explaining temptation: trial; a being put to the test. Temptation can be referenced as a free choice of being faithful or unfaithful to God including an allurement or seduction to sin. Another translation I wanted to share; the coaxing a person to committing such and act, by manipulation or otherwise curiosity, desire or fear of loss of something important to that individual.
Temptation as a whole has been studied as apart of human behavior since the beginning of time. It's always connected to a reward or gratification of both body and mind by edifying some desire of short term pleasure where the consequences are long term. I have experienced this feeling as a young child. The most told example is that you should wait to eat that cookie until after dinner and while no one is looking you go through the battle of what you should do knowing that is what you want and your parents saying, "No cookies until after dinner so that you don't ruin dinner." You're left with instruction, environmental factors (cookies being present in front of you), intention, and lastly THE ACT (whatever your decision). One thing that I can say is that dissecting this scenario must combine science, psychology, and physical factors that are all in play simultaneously. First I want to say that the processed sugar(s) in itself creates a dopamine response. Visualization takes places in the first brain which is the gut. The cellular memory of the taste of the actual cookie is where the coaxing can really began. I will also add that the environment you're in and that instant gratification of satiate the want for that cookie.
Let's get into some science because this will connect the dots to the physiological and psychological factors of what occurring when you experience temptation. The psychological effect creates activity within the prefrontal cortex, cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and temporal lobe all come into play for the collaboration of emotions, desires, decision making, reasoning, judgement, and more. Next there is the physical response to the choice that is made which has a direct link to that psychological response and consequence (see how it is all connected-our systems work interdependently and just like the law of nature your body is amazing and very disciplined).
This choice or decision then becomes memory stored in our consciousness, body (physical cells and organs), and mind. There's a study with rats[ that is cited below] that showed higher dopamine responses when introduced to foods with higher sugars, saturated and unsaturated fats, and trans fat diet. These artificial sugars and trans-fatty acids listed previously are primarily hydronated vegetable and coconut oils, maltrodexin, sucrose; which is a disaccharide containing a PRODUCTION mix of fructose and sucrose, and casein.
So let's get back to the cookies again!
Here's a small list of foods that contain hydronated oils: Baked goods, potato chips (screw face emoji), vegetable shortening, packaged snacks, coffee creamers, crackers, premade dough, popcorn. Sucrose can be found in turbinado sugar, granulated sugars, lemonade flavor drink, Gatorade, chocolate syrup, and more. Maltrodexin is found in all instant foods, cereals, pastas, frozen bagged foods & dinners, pastas, sauces, beer, instant formulas including baby formulas, meat analogue, salads [fresh is better just clean for to prevent ingesting parasites, pesticides, and chemicals], and including your fast food menu items. Maltrodexin contains waist expanding properties that I always get questions about[ so you want a small waist go plant based (that rhymed lol)]. Casein is found in your loved diary products or their respective derivates. Sidenote casein has drug addicting properties.
I had to really step back as I look beside me and put another potato chip in my mouth. I'm recognizing how we all are surrounded by these chemicals or drugs.
Ok so back to the cookie story because you may want a choice but it is clear that it contingent upon the environmental, psychological, and spiritual factors of the individual. I haven't even touched temptation as it's taught to us because as you can read and research that there is lies by omitting due to the full details not being disclosed. Whether child or not we are faced with genetic information and choosing from the stimuli through physiological and psychological science. Temptation can come from curiosity, fear of loss, manipulation, and or carnal desire but do not stop there. I always reference the source so it is HIGHLY encouraged to do your own research, read your labels, learn you psychology and physiology structures and most importantly your habits. Scientists, researchers, psychologist, and chemists are apart of the food, drug, and experimental factors of society.
There's a bigger message here. The temptations that we face have been written in history, studied, manipulated, and closely monitored. Over time we must hold self accountable because we have the blueprint and strategies to overcome temptations. We often face temptations because as a whole we are sick and have been attacked mentally, spiritually, and physically over the generations through intentional chemicals, dyes, drugs, traumas, economic status, cognitive dissonance, and simply growing intellectually lazy. Temptation before did not come with studies or a blueprint, strictly trial and error [cause and effect]. Information is documented and readily available (more is being destroyed and censored if you really research but I digress) so we MUST read and increase awareness so we can fight back and change our condition. I am honored to share this information, go down this rabbit hole, and uncover the root of information on temptation. Prayerfully, my story, blog, and life will inspire you all as we journey.
How I combat temptation is through isolation, accountability of cause and effect, and wisdom through fasting. I still struggle with the consumption of these chemicals because of what was passed down to me when I was a fetus in utero and in addition feeding that dopamine response. Our history sits on the seat of the kidneys [shoutout and credits to YahkiAwakened for that information] and our DNA is passed through our ancestors.
It's gratifying when you get that dopamine response because whether you feel bad physically your brain response is more positive. I shared a live {that I did on Fedbook, I mean Facebook, I mean Meta} that your main brain is the heart and gut while your brain is really like the third brain. I encourage you all to research the gut, GI tract, and what is produced there. I am on my way to plant based but currently I still eat as a vegetarian. I am dealing with temptation and making sound decisions so that I can fully heal all around. I will say that if you want to know what I really eat and what tempts me most stay tuned for PT. 2 of Fighting Temptations.
This topic could be an accountability group or something wonderful. I always love to share what I learn and making my knowledge easier for the next person dealing with the same thing (which if you are in this realm you definitely can relate). Solutions to combat temptation are deep breathing exercises and rewiring your thoughts by saying a positive mantra.
If you learned something new, had a review of something old, or wanted to share a thought or even add to the blog I'd love to hear from you in the comments!
Also here is the information for Yahki Awakened pages on IG, Youtube, and Facebook please check his videos: YT- HonorandHumilitySTL & Yahki Awakened | yahkiawakened on IG & Yahki Hickman on FB.
This picture below is from about 5 years ago. I like to reflect on how far I've come and how much I've learned. As I continue this journey, I invite you to learn and grow with me. Transforming with accountability, love, patience, innerstanding, knowledge, wisdom, and guidance from Yahweh. Peace, love, and light to yall because we all need it during these times. Until next time, Shalom!
-Nia B
Cited sources:
Yahki Awakened| Yahki Hickman